Reflection Essay
Throughout the duration of the course, multiple assignments and essays have been asked of me. As I started ENGL-1213 I realized that this course was going to be a lot harder than previous classes, with my assignment grades starting at a low. My Formatting and skills review assignment would become the base of my progress. The Reflection Essay will become my last writing assignment for the class. I've come to realize that I’ve enjoyed every step of the process. In addition, my topic youth sports injuries, which I enjoyed writing about, would also help me come to a better understanding of how to prevent my own sports injuries.
ENGL-1213 was the most influential English course in my life. At the beginning of the course structure, grammar, and citations were all skills that I knew but struggled with. As project 2 began the thought of connecting my author Franz Kafka and youth sports injuries proved to be terrifying. Having received feedback from Professor Hammett I quickly realized the importance of project 2 and the development it had on me as a writer. (Feedback From Professor Hammett 1).
Structure would prove to be a key component within the rubric. The point, evidence, explanation format taught me how to construct and organize my essay more clearly. The PEE format is something that is very basic, but very important. With this course coming to an end the PEE format will stick with me in the future as I continue to write. The PEE format helped me in both the argumentative and rhetorical analysis essays, in which it helped me construct my side of the argument or persuasion (Argumentative and Rhetorical Analysis 1).
Citations is a skill I continue to struggle with, but will improve on. With feedback from Professor Hammett I concluded that a majority of my author citations were incorrect, having done research I’ve figured out that if there is no author the citation should be the article title (Feedback From Professor Hammett 1); another citation error I figured out was that the works cited page. The list should be listed alphabetically and if there is more than one author it should be the first author listed with “et la” after, for the other authors not mentioned (Argumentative 1).
Grammar was a small mistake within the course and very common. Small grammatical and sentence errors would be one of the reasons for a lower grade, feedback from Professor Hammett always helps me improve, simple placements of semicolons, colons, and the correct usage of a word. Instead of addressing the problem of incorrect placements as stated I would use synonyms of words to hopefully clarify a sentence which mostly didn't work. (Feedback from Professor Hammett 1).
As this course comes to a close, my improvement as a writer from the beginning of the course and now towards the end is insane. After passing this class with many small and big errors in my writing, I’ve come to the conclusion that this course is a class that helps you improve as a writer while keeping all the course information beginner friendly. I’ve come to enjoy this class, with make ups and feedback provided by Professor Hammett which helped me improve as a writer.
Argumentative Essay
Youth Sports Injuries
Youth sports injuries are a public health issue which deserves special attention. While effective preventions can be achieved with proper equipment, medicine, and self therapy, a majority of the young athletes are still prone to being injured. Studies shown from the British Medical Bulletin shows that athletes around the ages 14-18 are at a higher risk of being injured; Hewett; a female athlete from the study, was injured around the ages 14-18 (Frisch). Hewett played multiple sports: basketball, soccer, and volleyball. A knee ligament sprain or rupture forced her to take time off her activities and seek professional help (1). Youth sports injuries are a major health issue many athletes go through, but they can be prevented.
Proper equipment is an important method to prevent youth sports injuries. In addition proper equipment provides young athletes with a professional environment. An article from Heartland College Sports quotes that “Playing sports without proper gear can be very dangerous” (Heartland College 1). The article also expressed that although sports may be fun, it can quickly lead to a hospital visit. Wearing proper gear or having the right equipment has been proven to drastically reduce a young athlete's chance of getting injured, while enabling them to focus more on the game instead of worrying about injuries. Proper equipment is a crucial part of preventing youth injuries “The national governing sports body of any country has the job of laying down equipment guidelines that are unique to each sport.” (1). With these guidelines provided by “The national governing sports body” coaches or individuals should take responsibility in order to provide young athletes with a professional environment to prevent youth injuries (1). Although having proper equipment is a prevention method for youth sports injuries there is no substantial proof to stopping youth injuries. Youth players from professional soccer academies around the world are still prone to being injured. Renshaw researched from the 2012/13 youth premier league that young athletes from u12-u14 were at their prime of being injured with 23 athletes being injured that season. These youth academies around the world provide the finest equipment for their youth programs in hope of making the next star. Proper equipment may not be a sure method to prevent young athletes from getting injured, but it is still a necessity to provide young athletes with a professional environment to reduce the risk of getting injured at the competitive or laxed levels.
Medicine is an effective solution to prevent youth sports injuries. From the article Youth Sports Injuries - Prevention; Treatment: Made for This Moment states that:
It’s important that sports injuries be assessed and treated properly so kids can get back to their regular activities and avoid developing chronic pain or long-term injuries. A physician who specializes in pain medicine can help. Anesthesiologists are medical doctors who specialize in anesthesia, pain management, and critical care medicine — and they can help your young athlete prevent and treat sports-related injuries the safe way. (Youth Sports Injuries - Prevention; Treatment: Made for This Moment 1)
Seeking anesthesiologists may help treat and prevent future youth injuries. Over the counter medications “such as acetaminophen, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen.”, can reduce severe pain in the body and with the addition to ice and medications swelling in areas with pain can be toned down (1). The use of medication may reduce pain and inflammation in the body, but medication does not target or strengthen joints, muscles, or bones. From information stated early, over the counter medication only reduces pain or inflammation. Although medication is not a big factor in preventing youth sports injuries; medication still provides young athletes with ways to partially remove pain and inflammation which can help reduce youth sports injuries.
Self care can be another way to prevent youth sports injuries. The article Youth Sports Injuries - Prevention; Treatment: Made for This Moment gives information that “physical therapy, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation also known as RICE therapy, braces, and the use of a variety of muscles is a prevention method to prevent youth sports injuries.”(Renshaw 1). These different types of self care is an effective prevention method for youth injuries; therapy provides young athletes to “involve specific exercises to increase range of motion, strengthen muscles, and ease pain” (1). Other therapies include meditation and visualization which help strengthen the mind and body, while on the same subject braces provide stability for the joints. Over the past studies from the article Injuries,Risk Factors and Prevention initiatives in youth sport provides numbers that show knee sprains such as the Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or meniscus is an increasing injury. “With more information provided by Injury Incidence in a Premier League Youth Soccer Academy Using the Consensus Statement: A Prospective Cohort Study. The article's study over the 2012/13 season shows that from ages 12-14 36% of the youth academies athletes suffered from knee injuries, showing that therapy is not a sure method to stop injuries”. However, there is no evidence that injuries can be 100% solved with therapy. The use of braces can be implemented to strengthen the joints within the injury, along with therapy which strengthens muscles and improves range of motion to prevent youth injuries.
A terrifying way to end a young athlete's career is from youth sports injuries. Youth sports injuries are a public health issue that deserve the world's attention. With increasing numbers of youth injuries everyday, the use of proper equipment, medicine, and selfcare can be an effective method to eradicate and prevent youth sports injuries.
Works Cited
Frisch Anne, et la. Injuries,risk factors and prevention initiatives in youth sport, British Medical
Bulletin, Volume 92, Issue 1, December 2009, Pages 95–121,
Renshaw, Andrew, and Peter C Goodwin. “Injury Incidence in a Premier League Youth Soccer
Academy Using the Consensus Statement: A Prospective Cohort Study.” BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, BMJ Specialist Journals, 1 Oct. 2016,
“Why It's Important to Have Proper Sports Gear When Playing Heartland College Sports -
an Independent Big 12 Today Blog: College Football News: Big 12 Today’ ".” Heartland College Sports - An Independent Big 12 Today Blog | College Football News | Big 12 Today, 15 Feb. 2020,,about%20accidents%20that%20might%20occur.
“Youth Sports Injuries - Prevention & Treatment: Made for This Moment.” Made For This
Moment | Anesthesia, Pain Management & Surgery,,strengthen%20muscles%2C%20and%20ease%20pain.
Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Franz Kafka and Youth Sports Injuries
Franz Kafka struggled with social anxiety and depression; Kafka was a novelist and short stories writer during the 1900s. Kafka’s writings originated from his past experiences. In one of Kafka’s diary entries, he wrote, “People label themselves with all sorts of adjectives. I can only pronounce myself as 'nauseatingly miserable beyond repair'”(Brod 1). Over time Kafka’s writing over alienation, existential anxiety, guilt, and absurdity would resonate with his audience during the 1900s. Kafka’s literature in the future would soon be credited enough to be its own genre, Kafkaesque. The term Kafkaesque is characterized by “Kafka's own writing or having a nightmarishly complex, bizarre, or illogical quality” (Kafkaesque Definition; Meaning 1). Considering Kafka’s writings are influenced by his nightmarish life and experiences, Kafka would note that humans are influenced by pressure, their personal needs, and self doubt or anxiety. Furthermore, Kafka would agree that youth sports injuries are an epidemic.
Human submission to pressure is nothing new, because Kafka's short stories are based on his life. A perfect example of Kafka relating his life to writing would be The Metamorphosis. Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, wakes up one day transformed into an insect (Metamorphosis 1). As Gregor’s family finds out about his transformation, he believes his family will love and show affection towards his new appearance, but the opposite occurs. Gregor’s family is disgusted by this new appearance and as a result Gregor’s sister says “I don’t want to call this monster my brother” (1). Gregor is influenced by this negative comment thinking “What now, then?” As a result Gregor’s negative ideology and pressure from his family would become the sole reason for his death (1) . Similarly, youth sports athletes when dealt with a heavy injury; athletes tend to quit their sports because of the pressure; “In a recent study of 1,500 kids from across the country, it was found that 67% of children aged 10-14 years old quit sports because they were injured.” (Statistics on Youth Quitting Sports Due to Injury or Burnout 1). Despite knowing the dangers associated with the sport they play. The “Pressure to perform...and injuries that can result from overtraining due to that pressure to perform” can cause an athlete to lose the love for their sport (Why Kids Quit Sports. 1). Kafka would conclude that human behavior is influenced by pressure and that a continuation or dropout of a sport will likely be the result of pressure onto a youth athlete.
Kafka would also acknowledge the fact that humans are driven by personal needs; as humans become more focused on their needs they disregard the effects of their actions they might have on themselves or others. An example of this is Kafka's relationship with his father. “Kafka's father, Hermann, had a forceful personality that often overwhelmed the Kafka home. He was a success in business, making his living retailing men's and women's clothes”, because of his forceful personality it would profoundly affect Kafka’s life and writing ( 1). In addition to using the short story The Metamorphosis written by Kafka, Gregor’s family is heartily driven by their personal needs; as a result, Gregor would eventually pass away due to his family's selfish behavior. “With an example from the short story, Gregor’s sister says “We have to try and get rid of it” (Kafka 1) clearly perceiving Gregor as a burden. Kafka is well aware that humans are driven by personal needs. Similarly, to Kafka's short stories, youth sports athletes are driven by their personal objective or holy grail. From the article Playing through Sports Injuries: Play through the Pain:
According to a 2012 FIFA report, 39 percent of the soccer players in the 2010 World Cup resorted to painkillers before the game. As well, a survey found that NCAA Division I athletes were injured at least once, while half felt pressured to play while injured. For Little Leaguers, statistics show that one child is admitted to the emergency room every 25 seconds, while 42 percent of child athletes have concealed injuries to stay in the game. (“Playing through Sports Injuries: Play through the Pain” 1)
Several factors can lead to this. As stated, youth athletes feel pressured to play while injured; as such, they show a “warrior mentality”. The shame from their weakness, losing playing time, or the thought of letting down their teammates keeps youth athletes motivated to play through an injury (1). Kafka would conclude the determination to play through an injury would be considered absurd and illogical; however, he would expect nothing less from humans as they are driven by their personal needs.
Finally, Kafka would note that even during or after an injury, youth sports athletes would still be influenced by anxiety or self doubt. From the article The Kafka Project it states that:
It may be that all the physical and emotional abuse Kafka suffered, in some way inspired him to write about his own extinction. The writings obtained from his diary were never intended to be seen by the public. These writings contained detailed descriptions of his own death that were very disturbing and grotesque.
(SP 1)
An example of this is Kafka’s stories The Metamorphosis. Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, has been metamorphosed as a result his family shows revolting emotions towards him(Metamorphosis 1). Within Gregor’s new appearance, he becomes more insect-like, and, as result, his already inadequate self-esteem and social anxiety worsens, leading to his death. Similarly to youth sports injuries when an athlete receives an injury he begins to doubt his bilities and starts to have an uneasy feeling about the injury. From the article Sports Injury Bulletin, it states that “Kinesiophobia and fear of re-injury are common psychological factors that influence return to sport” (“Acting against the Fear of Re-Injury” 1) and because athletes start having anxiety or self doubt, their performance levels decrease. From the article Sports Injury Bulletin, it states that “Injuries can profoundly impact an athlete’s quality of life beyond physical functionality. This places them at risk of developing mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)” (“Shifting the Spotlight: Mental Health of Injured Athletes'' 1). That can lead to a downfall of an athlete's performance and career. Kafka would relate to being influenced by anxiety and self doubt and would agree that youth athletes would have PTSD when returning to a sport they got previously injured in.
Based on Kafka’s absurd stories based on his life, it is likely to conclude that Kafka would recognize the absurdity of the youth sports injuries epidemic. Kafka would note that being influenced plays a significant role in a continuation of a sport and that any attempt to change human behavior would be rejected. Even so, the rapid growth of youth sports injuries epidemic will continue to affect young athletes, which can be determined as Kafkaesque.
Works Cited
“Acting against the Fear of Re-Injury.” Sports Injury Bulletin,,and%20physical%20strength(4)., A&E Networks Television,
“Kafkaesque Definition; Meaning.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,
“Metamorphosis.” The Project Gutenberg EBook of Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka,
“Playing through Sports Injuries: Play through the Pain.” Integrated Rehabilitation Services, 3
Feb. 2022,,of%20loss%20of%20playing%20time.
“Shifting the Spotlight: Mental Health of Injured Athletes.” Sports Injury Bulletin,,(PTSD)(1)
“Statistics on Youth Quitting Sports Due to Injury or Burnout.” Statistics on Youth Quitting
Sports Due to Injury or Burnout - Bare Fitness,,sports%20because%20they%20were%20injured.
“(SP:) Franz Kafka's Personal Life Reflected in the Metamorphosis.” The Kafka Project | Special
Issue: The Metamorphosis | (SP:) Franz Kafka's Personal Life Reflected in the Metamorphosis,,were%20very%20disturbing%20and%20grotesque.
The Diaries of Franz Kafka 1910-1913 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming.” Internet
“Why Kids Quit Sports.” PCA Development Zone®,,of%20competence%20at%20the%20sport.